Please join us for the virtual Bowman PTO meeting.

Meet other parents/guardians and get updates on what the PTO is doing to support Bowman. All Bowman PTO meetings are open to the entire school community of parents/caregivers and staff. The agenda is available here. You can join the meeting by clicking here.

 We hope to see you there!

NEW this year!!  

Save the date for the first ever Bowman Art Show, featuring work from ALL of our creative students. 

Thursday, April 3 at 6:00pm at Bowman. 

We hope to see you there! 

Saturday, April 5, 2025 at Bowman School

Mark Your Calendars for the Second Round of Workshops

Thank you for your enthusiasm!  Marketplace signups are FULL due to space constraints!

Below is the schedule for the second round of workshops for those who registered for the Marketplace:

Workshop 2: Marketing ahead of the event and elevator pitch for event day

  • Grades K-2 – March 21
  • Grades 3-5 – March 28

 *Note: Attendance at workshops is not mandatory in order to sell at the marketplace. These are optional sessions.

The Marketplace will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at Bowman School.

Volunteers Needed!!

Volunteer in the Bowman Library!
Library volunteers check in and check out books, assist students during Library classes, and help keep the Library organized. There is no past experience necessary, and you can sign up for as many – or as few – shifts as you are available. The schedule can be found here – click on teacher name to sign up for volunteer shift.  We will match you with a volunteer trainer if it’s your first time!

Don’t Forget About CORI Checks!

Please remember that it is district policy that anyone who volunteers (lunch, Big Backyard, library, Room Helpers, PTO events, etc) in our school must have a CORI check completed by Lexington Public Schools.  Any questions regarding the CORI check, please contact Mrs. Ashness ([email protected]) or Mrs. Barnes ([email protected]) in our Main Office. Do your CORI check now so you do not miss the fun – this can take up to 30 days

PTO Membership Update

A big THANK YOU to all who have joined the Bowman PTO so far this year. Approximately 42% of families have already joined as PTO members for 2024-2025. Help us get to 100%!!

The Bowman PTO supports school programs, funds teacher supplies and staff recognition activities, and organizes community events. We raise approximately $150 per child per year. The PTO is self-sustaining and relies entirely on parent volunteers. Membership is free, but your donation to the PTO now reduces the need for additional fundraising asks throughout the year! Contributions at all levels are welcome.

Maximize Your Membership Contribution with Corporate Matching

Did you know you could potentially double or even triple your contribution to our PTO through your company’s donation matching program? This means your company could match your donation or membership cost, magnifying the impact of your generosity on our school and students.

We encourage you to reach out to your HR department to see if your company offers this program. By leveraging donation matching, you can maximize your support for our PTO. Remember, every bit of support helps us provide valuable resources and opportunities for our students. Thank you for considering this impactful way of giving.

Equity at LPS

Over the past several years, many educators in Lexington Public Schools have devoted to educating themselves about issues of equity in our schools and changed their practice to better prepare all learners to be active, productive members of our larger world. This portion the Equity at LPS website provides some opportunities for self-reflection and learning that might help us all to engage with one another in as productive and respectful a manner as possible. For community members, including students, these materials may provide a clearer understanding for the district’s commitment to equity. Remember, we are all at different places in our understanding of identity and how it impacts learning, and we are all continuously learning!

Please note that many of these resources have not been explicitly vetted or endorsed by Lexington Public Schools. The materials here have been submitted by educators and community members; it is up to the individual to determine whether the resources is appropriate solely for self-reflection and learning or for use with students.


  • Student Entrepreneur Workshop 2 - Grades 3-5
    March 28, 2025  8:15 am - 8:45 am

    Workshop 2: Marketing ahead of the event, and elevator pitch for event day
    Room 14

  • Schools Closed for Students PK-12: Eid
    March 31, 2025

  • PTO Meeting
    April 2, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 271 669 933 012

    Passcode: vkdWcs

  • Bowman Art Show
    April 3, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Student Entrepreneur Marketplace
    April 5, 2025  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Student Entrepreneur Workshop 3 - K-2
    April 11, 2025  8:00 am - 8:30 am

    Workshop 3: What to do with your earnings: savings, investments and re-investing into product
    Room 14

  • Student Entrepreneur Workshop 3 - Grades 3-5
    April 18, 2025  8:00 am - 8:30 am

    Workshop 3: What to do with your earnings: savings, investments and re-investing into product
    Room 14

  • Schools Closed for Students PK-12: Patriot's Day
    April 21, 2025

  • Schools Closed for Students PK-12: April Break
    April 22, 2025

  • Schools Closed for Students PK-12: April Break
    April 23, 2025


Insider’s Guide to Bowman

Room Helper Sign-Up Form

Bowman Elementary School Website

Bowman Tardy/Absent Form

Bowman Site-Based Council

Equity at LPS

Lunch Menus and Food Services

Lexington Public Schools

Lexington School Committee

Lexington Education Foundation

LexFUN! (5 & Under Network)

Peer Support Groups for LGBTQ+ Youth

Aspen Family Portal

Setting Student Dismissal Preferences

LHS Building Project