RaiseRight Program, Black Earth Compost, Box Tops for Education, Cricket Flowers, Wilson Farm Shopping Day

Box Tops for Education
The Box Tops for Education fund raising program earns cash for new computer software programs and supplies. This fund-raiser requires no door-to-door selling by the children, and it costs nothing to become involved. Please clip the Box Tops logos from participating products and send them to school with your children. Bowman receives 10 cents for each Box Top we collect! The more Box Tops we collect, the more cash we earn. Let’s smash those numbers this year!
You can find the Box Tops logos on participating products such as Annie’s Organic snacks, General Mills cereals (like Cheerios), Green Giant vegetables, selected Avery school supplies, Juicy Juice, many Betty Crocker baking products, Old El Paso products, Ziploc bags, Scott brand paper products (like Kleenex), Nature Valley Granola bars, Huggies diapers & pull ups, Hefty trash bags, Pillsbury rolls and many more. A complete list of participating products can be found by clicking here. Please encourage your friends, neighbors, relatives and co-worker to save their Box Tops for Bowman.
Submit Box Tops in the following ways:
Option 1: Download the updated Box Tops app, register and select Bowman as your school (using referral code YEX64XH5 gets Bowman an extra $5 with your first receipt picture/upload), and then scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products. You’ll earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops opportunities. The app will automatically add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online, giving visibility to see how you are supporting your school in real-time.
Option 2: Send your Box Tops into the classroom in a plastic bag or envelope once or twice a month. Each teacher will have a designated collection envelope. There is also a collection box on the table outside the office. Each month the classroom that collects the most Box Tops will receive custody of the Box Top BOT, the Bowman Box Top mascot.
More FAQ’s can be found here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/How to Earn
Questions? Contact the Box Tops Coordinators: [email protected]
Shop with RaiseRight Program
Did you know Bowman PTO raised $600 in RaiseRight rewards last year that goes directly back into the school?
Raise money for Bowman without spending anything extra! Did you know that you can support our school while you dine out, travel, buy gas or shop at your regular retail stores? All you need to do is pay using gift cards from these stores. Several e-gift cards can be redeemed and added to any apps you already use such as Grubhub, Instacart, Starbucks etc.
You shop and pay with gift cards. Same products, same prices, same service. RaiseRight donates. Donations may be as high as 15% of what you pay!
RaiseRight Tips
- Use your bank account to pay for only a $0.15 fee.
- The RaiseRight app has a Wallet that keeps all of your gift card numbers and balances in one place.
- Look out for Bonus Days for extra rewards on gift card purchases.
- Buying a big ticket item like airline tickets, home renovation, or gifts? Consider buying a gift card for your purchase. Some companies like Land’s End (15%), GAP family (14%), Shutterfly (16.5%), LLBean (16%) have huge rewards!
It’s as easy as:
- Buy gift cards in one of two ways
- Go to RaiseRight website
- Download RaiseRight app (text download link to your phone here)
- Enter the Bowman PTO enrollment code (check the weekly update emails for the enrollment code or contact [email protected])
- Choose your gift card – better yet, select an e-gift cards so you don’t have to wait for the physical card to be shipped to you (and you save on any delivery fee).
- Go ahead and dine out, travel, buy gas, shop for your fall/ winter wear
Checkout the 750 popular brands RaiseRight has tie ups and the donations you can make. Spread the word to family, neighbors, and friends! Anyone can register with the enrollment code to support Bowman!
If have any questions, contact [email protected]
Black Earth Compost Fundraiser

Looking for a way to recycle more of your waste AND help out your student’s school? Mention “Bowman PTO” in the referral section when you sign up for curbside pick-up from Black Earth Compost (www.blackearthcompost.com/lexington-ma) – and the Bowman PTO will receive a $10 donation!
You can choose a monthly program for $9.99 or an annual program for $99, that’s only $8 per month! To show support for composting, the Town of Lexington is providing a free 13 gallon wheeled locking-lid bin to those who sign up for any compost pickup service (contact the DPW to get on the list). Black Earth’s commercial composting facility takes many things that aren’t appropriate for a backyard compost bin (meat, bones, dairy, cooked foods, pizza boxes, and certain types of compostable “plastics”).
Trash in Lexington is incinerated, causing air pollution and toxic byproducts. Composting recycles nutrients back to the soil for use by local farmers and gardeners, and ultimately into the produce you eat. And customers get a bag of free compost in the spring! Help the environment and Bowman today!
Participate in the LPS Race to Compost
Get in on the competition! Join Lexington Public Schools in the “Race to Compost”. Every new sign-up with a Bowman PTO referral counts! The first school with 50 referral sign-ups gets two 13-gallon compost bins and liners from Black Earth.

Questions? Email: [email protected]
Cricket Flowers
Just call Cricket Flowers (note, orders cannot be placed online), a small business in Lexington. Mention Bowman Elementary School when you place your order. Cricket flowers will donate $10/- for every order of $70 or more (Tax and delivery is additional)
Note: The offer is not valid if used with any other coupons, or discounts. May not be used on orders that are beyond the local delivery area.
If have any questions, contact [email protected]
Wilson Farm Shopping Day
One day each Spring, Wilson Farm sponsors a Bowman shopping day where a percentage of sales from people bringing in a Bowman flyer into Wilson Farm goes to the Bowman PTO.
If have any questions, contact [email protected]