Bowman Read-A-Thon
Thank you for participating in the second Bowman Read-A-Thon! We hope you had a lot of joy in reading over winter break! We were happy to provide all students and staff with Bowman Read-a-thon Bookmarks. 127 students logged over 81,000 reading minutes during the Read-A-Thon! We raised $2,867 during the 2 weeks of the Bowman Read-A-Thon with 94 donations. Congratulations to all of the prize winners below!
Class Winners
- K-2 Top Reading Class: Mrs. Barbacano (2nd grade)
- K-2 Top Fundraising Class: Mrs. Kearns (Kindergarten)
- 3-5 Top Reading Class: Mrs. Udell (4th grade)
- 3-5 Top Fundraising Class: Ms. Brown (3rd grade)
Top Readers (All School)
- Sidi W. - 4 - Udell
- Vaani M. - 5 - Taylor
- Mohammad Z.F. - 5 - Matthews
Top Fundraisers (All School)
- Alexa H. - 3 - Brown
- Lucas H - K - Kearns
- Miles N - 3 - Durling
Top Readers by Grade
- K - Aria B. (Lee)
- 1 - Leo B. (D'Abreu)
- 2 - Noah B. (Barbacano)
- 3 - Elise Y. (Avery)
- 4 - Sidi W. (Udell)
- 5 - Vaani M. (Taylor)
Top Fundraisers by Grade
- K - Lucas H. (Kearns)
- 1 - Pranav M. (Gonsalves)
- 2 - Jacob A. (Sawka) and Hudson B. (Barbacano)
- 3 - Alexa H. (Brown)
- 4 - Henry P. (Archibald)
- 5 - Vaani M. (Taylor)
Virtual Family Math Nights Return To Bowman
Mark your calendars for the return of *virtual* Family Math Nights!
Coming up is the virtual Family Math Night for grades 2 and 3, which will be held on Tuesday, February 8th, 6:30-7:15pm over Zoom. Family Math Nights are a great way for students and their families to experience the fun of math together. Use this sign-up link to sign up with the email where you want to receive the Zoom link:
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090844AFA82EA5F94-family1If you have questions, or if you would like to join our team to help with planning Family Math Night events, email [email protected]
Math Team News
The Bowman Math Teams meet weekly before school, and our 4th and 5th graders had their second competition in December. Students were given 6 problems and had 30 minutes to solve them independently. Each correct answer was worth 1 point and the top 6 scores became the team’s score.
4th grade: There are now 86 teams participating in this year’s CML Grade 4 Math at the Pythagorean level. Bowman’s team scored 36/36 on the second test for a total across two tests of 72/72, which means they are tied among the top 8 teams in the country and they are one of two perfect teams in New England. Congratulations to Chris C., Esha S., Louis L., Olivia I., Sanav B., Shlok M., and Sriman D. who each had a perfect score on their test.
5th grade: There are now 96 teams participating in this year’s CML Grade 5 Math at the Pythagorean level. Bowman’s team scored 33/36 on the second test for a total across two tests of 66/72, which put them in the top 13% in the country and #1 in New England. Congratulations to Akshay R., Andrew D., and Joey W. who each had a perfect score on their test.
Excellent job to both teams! Every member of the team worked hard and can take pride in this accomplishment. The third competitions for 4th and 5th grade teams and first competition for 3rd grade will take place in January.
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking to fill very important roles below.
Bowman LEF Liaison 2021-2022 & 2022-2023
We are looking for an LEF (Lexington Education Foundation) School Partnership Liaison who is a member of the LEF School Partnership Team. This person would help promote LEF grants, assist interested teachers and staff from represented schools in writing grant applications and generating ideas. The liaison is the go-to person for the teachers and staff at their school and helps facilitate any communications between LEF and represented schools. The Bowman LEF Liaison would be expected to participate in monthly meetings and promote other LEF SP activities. We are looking for a volunteer who would be the liaison for the remainder of this academic year, as well as 2022-2023.
Time Commitment: 2-5 hours per month for meetings and assistance with the LEF grant process, during flexible hours. Monthly meetings are currently the first Thursday (occasionally rescheduled to 2nd Thursday) of the month on Zoom.
Bowman Writes 2021-2022
Bowman Writes is a yearly magazine containing poems, essays, short stories, drawings, puzzles, word games, and other original work by Bowman students. This is a school project done in collaboration with parent volunteers. The Bowman Writes team is looking for two volunteers who can help us with compiling, editing and designing the magazine. Bulk of the work will be around April-May, with some time commitment in the beginning of the year for planning purposes. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested or have more questions on this very fulfilling initiative.
Science Fair Coordinators 2021-2022
We are looking for 1-2 additional Science Fair volunteers to join the team of existing coordinators. This event is an annual opportunity for students to create and display projects and experiments, working individually or in small groups. Scheduled for Spring, this program is organized by parents/caregivers and also has involvement from visiting scientists. Click here for more information.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week for meetings and planning, during flexible hours. Time commitment may increase to 3-5 hours per week for a few weeks leading up to the Science Fair. Attending the Science Fair events is also strongly encouraged.
Family Math Nights 2021-2022
More volunteers are needed to create successful Family Math Nights. These adult and child fun-filled evenings of math games are held once a year for each grade. Three sessions are held: K/1, 2/3 & 4/5. Adult helpers set-up grade appropriate math games in the school cafeteria (or virtually!). Family Math Nights are a great way for students and their families to experience the fun of math together. Volunteers do not need to be math experts to participate.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month for meetings, planning and creating programming, during flexible hours. Attending the Family Math Night events is also strongly encouraged.
We are also looking for the following volunteers (please see the Bowman PTO Open Volunteer Positions for full details):
- LEF Liaison 2021-2022 & 2022-2023
- Bowman Writes Magazine volunteer for 2021-2022 (Shadow for 2022-23)
- Science Fair Coordinators 2021-2022
- Family Math Nights Coordinators 2021-2022
- Volunteer Coordinators 2021-2022
- Arts/Specials Coordinator 2021-2022
- Fundraising - Shopping Affiliates Coordinator (Shadow for 2022-23)
If you are interested or want to learn more about what these roles entail, email [email protected] and we would be happy to tell you more! Most, if not all, of the help with these events can be done from home. If you are interested in one or more of these roles, the PTO would really appreciate it! Otherwise, they are at risk of not happening this year.
We are always in need of lunch volunteers! There are multiple shifts open each week. Please click on this link to Sign Up! Email [email protected] with any questions. See the new Lunch Volunteer Training Slideshow and Updated Instructions for Composting.
Thank you to everything our volunteers do each and every week!
Shop and Support Bowman!
See our Shop and Support Bowman page for details on all of these programs below. These small programs add up to hundreds of dollars that go directly into Bowman through curriculum support, classroom and building supplies, student experiences, and so much more!
- Amazon Smile: Use Amazon Smile for all your purchases. Amazon will donate 0.5% of all eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Bowman Elementary School PTO! Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/86-1783422 to select Bowman PTO as your charity of choice and shop.
- Minted.com: You will get 20% off on your order. Use the code: FUNDRAISEBOWMAN and Bowman PTO will receive 15% of proceeds.
- Gift Cards: Buy any of 750 popular brand gift cards from ShopWithScrip.com and Bowman earns rewards. Check the weekly email for the code to join. Choose e-gift cards for immediate delivery without fees.
- Box Tops: Earn Cash For Bowman with Box Tops! Download the Box Tops for Education app and scan your grocery receipts to earn money for Bowman!
See our Shop and Support Bowman page for more!
Thank You
Thank you to our Lakshmi Ramanath and Brandy Hartford for organizing the Bowman Read-A-Thon!
February Submissions
Broadside submissions should be sent to Monika Manocha at [email protected]. The deadline for the March issue is February 22nd.