Thank You!
Disco Bingo and Class Basket Raffle
Raffle Tickets on sale NOW! We will also be selling tickets at Drop Off (8:30-9am) and Pick Up (3:30-4pm) April 4 – 7! Please bring exact cash for your tickets – sold in bundles of 5 tickets for $5.
3 simple steps to participate
- Purchase your raffle tickets online, during pickup/dropoff, or at Disco Bingo Night! We are selling sets of 5 raffle tickets for $5. You can purchase as many tickets as you wish. And don’t forget to buy for friends and relatives too!
- Write your name and class (Grade/Teacher name) on the back of each ticket
- Drop them into the bin next to the basket
You have to be ‘IN IT’ to WIN it!!!
How do I get my tickets?
- Order your tickets online: tickets ordered after April 1 must be picked up at Disco Bingo Night April 7!
- Cash purchases can be made April 4 – 7 during Drop Off (8:30-9am) and Pick Up (3:30-4pm)! Please bring exact cash for your tickets – sold in bundles of 5 tickets for $5.
- In person on Disco Bingo Night, April 7 – 6:30-8pm.
Students will have the opportunity to drop their tickets in the raffle ticket boxes with their class. Select the boxes you want to win and drop your tickets in the raffle boxes in school. Don’t forget to drop tickets for the “Teacher Basket” to win for your Teacher!
Winning raffle tickets will be drawn on Disco Bingo Night on April 7th. Winners do not have to be in attendance
Questions? Email [email protected]
Science Fair
Calling all Student Scientists!
The Bowman Science Fair will be back in person this year on May 11 and 12. Registration will be open from March 28 through April 11 – please fill out this Registration Form for each participating student. And parents who are interested in serving as a Visiting Scientist on the night(s) of the Science Fair for a chance to talk to students about their projects – please fill out the Visiting Scientist Form. For more information and details about the Bowman Science Fair, please visit https://bowmanpto.org/committees/curriculum-enrichment/bowman-science-fair/ or email [email protected].
LPS Visual Art Exhibit 2022
The Lexington Public Schools Visual Art Department is pleased to announce the return of the annual student art exhibit. Artwork from across the system will be on display at the Central Office gymnasium, 146 Maple Street, Lexington, MA. The event begins with an opening night reception on April 7th at 6:30 until 8:00 pm. All are invited to attend. The art exhibit is open for further viewing Monday through Friday from 8 am until 4 pm. The show will be up until April 27th 2022.
While it would be fantastic to include every LPS student to exhibit their art, time and space make it impossible. We want to applaud the work that is on view, as well as celebrate and congratulate all of our students’ hard work and best efforts. There are many considerations above and beyond skill that go into creating an exhibit of this magnitude. Please know all are worthy of representation.. We thank you for your kind consideration and support of the LPS Visual Art Department. We look forward to your enjoyment viewing the students’ art work.
Ms. Iris Goldfarb
Bowman Art Educator
Maths Team News
The Bowman Math Teams meet weekly before school. The 3rd graders had their second competition and the 4th and 5th graders had their fourth competitions in February. Students were given 6 problems and had 30 minutes to solve them independently. Each correct answer was worth 1 point and the top 6 scores became the team’s score.
3rd grade: There are now 172 teams participating in this year’s CML Grade 3 Math. Bowman’s team scored 27/36 on the second test for a total across two tests of 59/72, which puts them in the top 15% in the country and the #2 team in New England. Congratulations to Catherine M., Elise Y., and Emma Y. who each scored 5/6 on their tests.
4th grade: There are 88 teams participating in this year’s CML Grade 4 Math at the Pythagorean level. Bowman’s team scored 36/36 on the fourth test for a total across four tests of 144/144, which means they are tied among the top 8 teams in the country and they are the only perfect team in New England. Congratulations to Chris C., Dhruv I., Gus B-G., Olivia I., Sanav B., Shlok M., Simon B-G., and Sriman D. who each had a perfect score on their test.
5th grade: There are now 98 teams participating in this year’s CML Grade 5 Math at the Pythagorean level. Bowman’s team scored 30/36 on the third test for a total across three tests of 132/144, which put them in the top 15% in the country and #1 in New England. Congratulations to Akshay R. and Joey W. who each had a perfect score on their test.
Excellent job to all three teams! Every member of the team worked hard and can take pride in this accomplishment. The final competition for each grade will take place in March.
Thank You
We would like to share the cards and emails we have received from all of the activities this year, please view them in this Google Doc.
Bowman Joy In Learning Celebration / Staff Appreciation
Huge thanks to the Bowman teachers and staff for putting forth a wonderful Bowman Joy In Learning Celebration. Thanks to Stephanie Roberts from the Staff Appreciation team for ordering the celebratory cakes and treats to kick off Spring Conferences!
Family Math Nights
Thanks to Taleen Gleeson and Chris Norman for organizing our Bowman Family Math Nights! They put in extra effort to change plans so we could have the K/1 and 4/5 Math Nights IN PERSON! Bowman families had a lot of fun at the events.
Virtual Passport to the World Coffeehouses
Thank you to Jackie Anderson for planning our Virtual Passport to the World Coffeehouses! Students were able too share and listen about their identity and culture. Thanks to all of the presenters and families who participated. Special thanks to Asst. Principal Francois for hosting the event.
April Submissions
Broadside submissions should be sent to Monika Manocha at [email protected].
The deadline for the April issue is April 22nd.