September 2020

Inside This Issue

Welcome Back!

New PTA Membership Levels

Bowman Directory Information

Be a Bowman Room Parent!

Math Team News

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Math Team Parent Volunteers
  • Disco Bingo Event Coordinator
  • Class Basket Raffle Coordinator
  • Webmaster
  • Safe Routes to School Coordinator

Bowman Site Council

Box Tops Update

Amazon Smile Shopping

Stop and Shop Program


Welcome Back!

We are very excited to welcome everyone back to Bowman! Whether you’re attending school in person or remotely, our goal this year is to continue to build a strong school community and support our teachers and families. We plan to continue many of our events online and via zoom, and our event organizers have some great ideas for how to reinvent everyone’s favorites.

In lieu of the Back to School Parent Coffee this year, ALL Bowman parents and guardians are invited to attend one (or both) of our kickoff meetings. We will give an overview of our events and programs, talk about how they will be different this year, and discuss volunteer opportunities. Please join us! (Login information will be emailed to all families before the meeting)

PTA Kickoff Meetings
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 7-8:30pm on ZOOM
Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 10-11am on ZOOM

The Bowman PTO is a parent-run volunteer organization, and we need parent volunteers to help organize and run our programs. If you’re looking for a way to stay connected or get involved please consider volunteering for one of the open positions listed further down in this newsletter. You can also view the full list of open positions here. We welcome your ideas and feedback! If you would like to get in touch, or are curious about what we’re doing please email [email protected], and/or come to one of our kickoff meetings.

Have you ever wondered what the Bowman PTO does? Here’s a quick glance at the activities that are supported by your contributions.

For the 2020-21 school year, the Bowman PTO will continue to build community by bringing together families in the RLA and Hybrid learning models, with the majority of events delivered remotely. In addition, we will be providing learning aides and materials to make the hybrid/remote transition more smoothly, such as lap whiteboards for every student and staff member, continuing teacher reimbursements for classroom supplies, and regularly using staff appreciation funds to stock the staff room.

School & Staff Support

  • New for 2020-21! Individual white boards will be supplied to all students and staff, for use during remote weeks.
  • Staff Appreciation – Stocking Staff Room & Events
  • Technology Supplies to Enhance the Classroom Experience
  • Funding for Teacher Training
  • Playground Supplies

Curricular Enrichment

  • Arts Created Together (ACT) – Assemblies and Author Visits
  • Big Backyard
  • Library
  • Science Fair
  • Family Math Nights
  • Bowman Math Team
  • Virtual Field Trips and Events
  • Bowman’s Dismantling Racism Curriculum

Enrichment Activities

  • Variety Show
  • Stories Under the Stars Book Swap
  • Morning fitness with BOKS (Build Our Kids’ Success)

Community Building

  • New! Passport to Belonging Family Culture Night Events will be brought to you remotely this year!
  • 5th Grade Activities

You can also support the PTA through the following fundraisers and events (Remote this year)

  • Bowman Book Fair
  • Bowman Spirit Wear
  • Class Raffle Baskets
  • Bowman Experiences Auction
  • Bowman Adventure Run
  • Spaghetti Dinner

Please support your PTA! We support YOU!

Thank you!

Anne Norman & Rebecca Fagan Gorospe, Bowman PTO Co-Presidents


New PTA Membership Levels

We’re very excited to announce our new membership levels for this year. We have new levels and fun new Bowman swag items!

Support enrichment and community programs at Bowman by purchasing one of our membership levels for your family:

Basic Membership $25

  • Bowman Webcam Cover

Good Sport Membership $35

  • Bowman Webcam Cover
  • Bowman Water Bottle

Anniversary Membership $54

  • Bowman Webcam Cover
  • Bowman Water Bottle
  • Bowman Drawstring Bag

Bowman Pride Membership $100

  • Bowman Webcam Cover
  • Bowman Water Bottle
  • Bowman Drawstring Bag
  • Bowman Umbrella

Family Pack Membership $200

  • 2 Bowman Webcam Covers
  • 2 Bowman Water Bottles
  • 2 Bowman Drawstring Bags
  • 2 Bowman Umbrellas

Triple-Pack Membership $250

  • 3 Bowman Webcam Covers
  • 3 Bowman Water Bottles
  • 3 Bowman Drawstring Bags
  • 3 Bowman Umbrellas
  • For a family with three kids!

Library and Diversity Membership $500

  • 2 Bowman Webcam Covers
  • 2 Bowman Water Bottles
  • 2 Bowman Drawstring Bags
  • 2 Bowman Umbrellas
  • Plus, a portion of your donation is directed to Bowman’s Diversity Curriculum, and a book will be donated to the Bowman Library in your family’s name.

All of our membership levels include access to the Bowman PTO Online Directory at Membership Toolkit. There will be no printed directory this year.

Questions? Email Christina Chang at [email protected].

Please sign up before September 30 in order to receive membership swag items.

The PTA exists for every member of the Bowman community regardless of financial ability. The Bowman School and the Bowman PTO are committed to ensuring that cost is not a barrier to becoming a member of the PTA or participating in any of the PTA events throughout the year. Please feel free to reach out to Principal Jenny Corduck to privately inquire about financial assistance.

Thank you for your support!


Bowman Directory Information

Hello Bowman Families! A quick reminder to update your directory information at with your child’s classroom teacher and/or cohort so that people can find you in the directory.

If you are new, please create a new account. On the Student Information page we’ve added a dropdown for learning model/cohort and a “Notes” field where you may enter text. This is where you can share anything else you’d like others to know. We hope this will be helpful for families looking to connect with each other.

Please consider purchasing one of our membership levels while you’re updating your information. This year will be challenging for us all, and we want to be able support our teachers and families. We will have more information coming soon about remote programming for this Fall. Thank you!


Be a Bowman Room Parent!

School may look different this year, but staying connected is more important than ever. Each year, 3+ parents per classroom volunteer to become Room Parents. It’s a GREAT way to get to know your child’s teacher, classmates, and other parents. Room Parents divide tasks, which typically include communicating with classroom families, collecting and allocating classroom funds, and coordinating activities such as a virtual parent meetup. Parents can choose tasks that fit their schedules.

To become a Room Parent, sign up here! (please complete a new form for each classroom)

Want to Learn More? Come to an online Room Parent Orientation (optional, but recommended for new room parents). Choose ONE:

Monday, September 21, 2020, 7pm
Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10am

Please RSVP to [email protected] for Zoom link.


Bowman Math Team

The Bowman Before School Math Team is going digital! 3rd-5th graders will meet weekly before school on Zoom for math instruction, small group problem solving, competition best practices, and participating in monthly tests with the Continental Math League.

However, we need your help!  We need volunteers for each grade to help plan lessons, lead the classes, and supervise small groups on our Zoom calls. Without volunteers, we will not be able to continue.

Reach out to [email protected] to volunteer, ask for this year’s information sheet, or register for the program. Registration is due Friday, September 25th, and classes start in early October.


Volunteer Opportunities

This year all of our programs and events will be online or on zoom. Want to help? Here are just a few of the volunteer opportunities at Bowman this year. We hope you will join us!

Math Team Parent Volunteers

The Bowman Math Team (grades 3-5)  will be all remote this year, but in order to keep it running we need a few more parent volunteers willing to help work on lesson planning, do grading, and run meetings. Please let us know if you’re interested.

Disco Bingo Event Coordinator

Bingo Night is a fun filled night for the whole family with teacher and student Bingo callers. Organizers focus on publicizing the annual event (Early April), obtaining prizes and recruiting Bingo callers. Work in conjunction with the Class Basket Raffle organizers, for this fun-filled fundraiser evening. This is a good position for one or two volunteers. We aren’t sure if this event will happen in person this year, but we are open to creative ideas for how to do a similar event remotely.

Class Basket Raffle Coordinator

We are in need of one or two additional volunteers to help with the Class Basket Raffle for the 2020-2021 school year. Raffle Baskets are usually on display for two weeks in the Spring, and the Raffle is held during Disco Bingo Night. Organizers communicate with room parents, create a signup for baskets, promote and sell raffle tickets before and during the event, and coordinate with Disco Bingo organizers on the evening of the event. This is an important fundraiser for the PTA, and is ideal for a team of 3-4 volunteers. We aren’t sure if the raffle will happen in person this year, but we are open to creative ideas for how to do a similar event remotely.


We are looking for someone who would be willing to shadow as webmaster this year and take over for next year.

Safe Routes to School Coordinator
We need one or two parents to help coordinate the Safe Routes to School program at Bowman, and help get the word out about Walk-to-School-Wednesdays. Coordinate with the Lexington transportation department, and help come up with activities that students can participate in at least once a month to promote walking.

For more volunteer Opportunities, Please see the full list here.

Please contact the Bowman PTO Co-Presidents at [email protected] if you are interested in any of these fun volunteer opportunities.

Thank you!


Bowman Site Council

Are you interested in playing a leadership role at Bowman? Are you available for one meeting a month? We are looking for two parents to serve on the School Based Site Council for a two-year term! Historically, meetings have been on Friday mornings at 7:45-8:30AM. This year, meetings will be on ZOOM.

This is a great opportunity to learn about Bowman and contribute to the Bowman community. If you are interested, please send us a short bio (maximum of 150 words) by SUNDAY, September 20th at 10pm. For contested elections, an online election will take place from Monday, September 21st until Monday, September 28th to select the two parent representatives.

As part of the Education Reform Act of 1993, Site-Based Councils were mandated as part of the Act’s decentralization of decision-making. The Site Council is composed of equal numbers of elected teachers and parents, together with the Principal and a community representative. The role of the Site Council is to advise the Principal. At Bowman, Site Council members meet once a month with Bowman teachers to plan ways to meet the diverse learning needs of students; establish a school climate of tolerance and respect for every individual; involve parents in the life of the school; impact safety and discipline; enhance extracurricular activities; and more.

If you have any questions about the Site Council or if you are interested in running for the open seat, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank You!


Box Tops Update

Now is the time to download the new Box Top app!

Download the new and improved, user-friendly Box Tops app, register and select Bowman as your school, and then scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products. You’ll earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops opportunities. The app will automatically add Box Tops to your school’s earnings online, giving visibility to see how you are supporting your school in real-time.

Can I still send in regular Box Tops?

Yes! These will be accepted until November 1. Please clip and send in all of your paper box tops asap! Bowman will still get credit for all clipped Box Tops until the end of October.


More FAQ’s can be found here: to Earn

Or, contact the Box Tops Coordinator: [email protected]


Amazon Smile Shopping

Raise money for Bowman without spending anything extra! Did you know that you can support our school while you shop on Amazon?

You shop. Amazon donates. Shop at and Amazon will donate a 0.5% of all eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Bowman Elementary School PTA!  AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

It’s as easy as:

1)  Go to

2)  Log-in to your Amazon account (if prompted)

3)  Bookmark “” for future reference. Purchases made through the regular Amazon site ( are NOT eligible for the program. Make sure to use to participate.

Spread the word to family, neighbors, and friends! Anyone can go to the link and support Bowman!

If you have any questions, contact: [email protected].


Stop and Shop Program

Welcome back to the start of a new school year and to a new year of A+ School Rewards!

Existing Supporters: You DO NOT need to re-register your card if your school selection(s) remains the same as last year.

New Supporters or Existing Supporters Wishing to Make Changes As Easy As 1-2-3

  1. Register online or sign in to an existing account at
  2. Access your account settings by going to MANAGE MY ACCOUNT.
  3. Select your preferred school to reward by going to REWARDS & SAVINGS.

If you need assistance, please call 1-877-366-2668 OPTION #1

Peapod Account Holders:

Please link the Peapod account to the Stop & Shop Card AND to register your school to the card to help Bowman earn Peapod shopping points.

To Earn Points, use your registered Stop & Shop Card each time you shop at any Stop & Shop

Also, please spread the word to your family members and friends to support our school. This could result in more CASH REWARDS!

Any questions, please contact the coordinator Sharon Huang, [email protected]


Monthly Events

PTA Meetings

9/16/20 PTA Kickoff Meeting 7pm

9/17/20 PTA Morning Kickoff Meeting 10am


September 2020

9/14 – First Day of School (No Parent Welcome Coffee This Year)

9/16 – PTA Kickoff Meeting 7pm

9/17 – PTA Morning Kickoff Meeting 10am

9/20 – Bowman Site Council Bio submission

9/21 & 9/22 – Room Parent Orientation Meetings

9/24 – Back-to-School Night (LPS Event, Parents Only)

9/28 – No School (Yom Kippur)

October 2020

10/12 – No School (Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day)

10/14 – PTA Meeting 7pm

TBD – School Picture Days (stay tuned for more info and dates)

TBD – Bowman Book Fair

10/21, 10/22, 10/28, & 10/29 – Parent Teacher Conferences


October Submissions
Broadside submissions should be sent to Lisa Spitz at [email protected]. Deadline for October issue is September 25.

Traffic Tip
Watch for all the new walkers!

  • Join The PTO!
    We have new membership levels this Fall, and we need your support now more than ever! The Bowman PTO is a parent-run volunteer organization, and your support makes important events possible and our community stronger. Even if you don’t have time to take part in one of our committees, your membership is equally important and goes towards funding grants for teachers, curriculum enrichment for every grade, community building activities and programs, and more!! Visit our membership page to learn how to join.

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